2013 – 2014: Master of Design Futures with Honours, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
- Awarded Griffith Award for academic excellence in 2013.
- Dissertation Paper: “Education: a Platform towards sustainment.” Written under the supervision of Prof. Tony Fry. Assessed by examiners Dr Eleni Kalantidou and Jim Gall.
- GPA 6.20
2012: Graduate Certificate in Design in Design Futures, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
Specialising in sustainable design and planning, Griffith University, Brisbane.
2010 – 2012 : DSAA (Diplome Superieur d’Arts Appliqués) in Product and Service design, Ecole Boulle (National School of Applied Arts), Paris, France.
- 2 years Post-Graduate degree (equivalent of Master).
- Dissertation paper: Urban farming: towards a responsible, ethical and social food production system.
- GPA 6.13
2008 – 2010 : BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) of Product Design, ENSAAMA (National School of Applied Arts and Art Professions) Olivier de serres, Paris, France.
- 2nd and 3rd year of Undergraduate Degree (equivalent of Bachelor).
2007 : MANAA (Mise à Niveau en Art Appliqués, ENSAAMA (National School of Applied Arts and Art professions) Olivier de Serres, Paris, France.
- 1st year of Undergraduate Degree.
2006 – 2007 : Part time student, Academy of Fine Arts. Grenoble, France.
2017: Research Assistant, QUT School of design, Brisbane, Australia
This role includes tasks such as undertaking research, preparing draft reports, reviewing literature, writing draft literature reviews, collecting data and preparing graphical displays of data.
Since 2015: Head tutor, Guest lecturer and Sessional Instructor in a variety of courses, QUT School of Design (Queensland University of Technology) School of Design, Brisbane.
Design & Sustainability (DEB100): Head Tutor, Guest Lecturer and Sessional Instructor, since 2015.
- Guest lectures: Guest lecture on Design as Re-directive Practice. Presentation of strategies towards designing responsibly in relation to environmental, cultural and economic sustainability.
- Role as a Head Tutor includes: Assisting the Unit Coordinator, managing the tutors’ team (12 tutors), Curriculum design and preparing course materials (content and visual).
Introducing Design History (DEB202): (Head Tutor and Sessional Instructor, since 2015.
- Role as a Head Tutor includes: Assisting the Unit Coordinator, managing the tutors’ team (10 tutors), Curriculum design and preparing course materials (content and visual).
Culture & Design (DNB305): Sessional instructor, 2016.
Since 2015: Course Coordinator, Lecturer and Sessional Tutor in a variety of courses – Griffith University (Queensland College of Arts), Brisbane and Gold Coast, QLD.
Histories and theories of design (1537QCA) : Sessional Course Coordinator, Sessional Lecturer and Sessional Instructor, since 2017.
Role includes:
- Planning and delivering lectures.
- Planning and delivering tutorials.
- Ensuring effective communication with tutors and students as well as marking assessments.
Creative research methodologies (1532QCA): Sessional Instructor, since 2017.
Introduction to Design History (1512QCA): Guest Lecturer and Sessional Instructor, 2015-2016.
- Guest lecture on The role of Colonialism and Globalism throughout Design History.
Modernity and Postmodernity (1506QCA): Sessional Lecturer: Griffith College, Sessional Instructor: Griffith University, 2015-2016.
Role included:
- Planning and delivering lectures.
- Planning and delivering tutorials.
- Ensuring effective communication with tutors and students as well as marking assessments.
Computer Visualisation and Image Creation (1513QCA): Sessional Instructor, 2015-2016.
Instructor in Design, Visual Art and Indigenous Art for the GUMURRII ITAS program (Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme), Griffith University, Brisbane, 2013-2015.
2017: Article: “Re-connecting design, education and sustainability: the essential role of research in higher education curriculum development.”
- Journal: The International Journal of Sustainability Education, Common Ground Research Networks.
- Status: Abstract Approved, Article Submitted.
2017: Co-Author of article: “Doing dis/ordered Mappings: Shaping Inclusion through Museums” First Author: Dr Janice Rieger.
- Journal: Space and Culture, Sage Publications
- Status: Article Submitted.
2014: Illustrations published in Tony Fry’s book: “City Futures in the Age of a Changing Climate.” (Hoboken: Taylor and Francis).
2014: Dissertation Paper: “Education: A Platform towards ‘Sustainment’: ‘Growing Food’ as an Ontologically Designing Practice.”
- Master’s Dissertation Paper , 15000 words.
- Disciplines: Sustainable Design, Education.
- Supervisor: Prof. Tony Fry.
- Assessed by examiners: Dr Eleni Kanditilou and Jim Gall.
- GPA 6.0
2011: Dissertation Paper: “Private gardens as productive land: Urban farming; towards social and responsible production.”
- DSAA (Equivalent of Master) Dissertation Paper, 20000 words.
- Disciplines: Service Design, Design Philosophy.
- Supervisors: Vincent Rossin, Vaina Le Coustumer.
- GPA: 6.0
2018: “On Sustainability” International Conference; conference presentation focusing on the essential role of research in higher education curriculum development, Cairns, Australia.
- The International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability attendees include leaders in the field, as well as emerging scholars, who travel to the conference from all corners of the globe and represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives.
- Status: confirmed, abstract approved.
2016: Design Symposium, QUT, Brisbane, Australia.
Presentation of research on How to Implement Sustainability to the Higher Education Design Curriculum with a specific focus on the design students’ ability to learn sustainability effectively.
2013: Urmadic University “Hothouse” workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- The intent of this “hothouse” was to bring together a collection of people from Greece and around the world in order to confront local issues. The conversation was grounded in the identification and elaboration of local agendas using design as a tool for change. The main themes of these agendas were: repair, local economies, knowledge and skills exchange and education for sustain-ability.
- The Thessaloniki Hothouse is an Urmadic University project, a nomadic educational institution focusing on implementing sustain-able design solutions to address local issues in various places around the world. This institution also questions the notion of design education, exploring different ways of learning design.
2012: Design project “Private gardens as productive land: Urban farming; towards social and responsible production” exhibited during the Designer’s Days, Paris, France.
- This service design project aims to connect land owners and gardeners in the urban context. The issues addressed though this project are both ecological and social. By implementing food production solutions to the urban landscape, the project promotes responsible food production and consumption. By connecting people from various background and demographics, it focuses on skills building and intercultural exchanges as well as avoiding social isolation.
- The “Designer’s Days” is an event held yearly in Paris. For a week, design galleries, museums, agencies schools and other design related places open to the public, proposing a variety of exhibitions, installations and talks dedicated to promoting design both on a national and international level.
2012: Project Manager in charge of the curatorial design team for the 2012 “Designer’s Days” exhibition “Portraits”, Paris, France.
Tasks included:
- Management and coordination of the exhibition design team (9 designers)
- Furniture design and scenography
- Organising furniture making
- Responsible for collaborating and communicating with sponsors
2011: Curatorial Designer for Guliver Design and scenography Agency, Paris, France.
Project development of a temporary exhibition about the history of social housing in Paris since 1912.
Role included:
- Curatorial design, Display furniture design
- Communicating with historians and museums to organise the loans of different art pieces and documents displayed during the exhibition.
2016: Interior Design for Flex Hot Yoga, Brisbane, Australia.
- Interior Design Concept
- Management of Realisation
2015: Graphic and Communication design for Connect Yoga, Brisbane, Australia.
- Website Concept and Design
- Communication design (Logo, communication documents, digital concepts and advertising)
2012-2014: Graphic and Communication Design for Computer Programs Development Company MK-Network, Paris, France.
- Visual identity and graphic/communication design
- Website Concept
2011: Participation to international design project “Designing in place Repair Culture, Local knowledge, Intercultural understanding”, Fez, Morocco.
- About: The project aimed to transform a dilapidated classroom into a creative space dedicated to the local high school students in Fez, Morocco. Project included research phase and 2 weeks on site.
- Role: Design concept and realisation in collaboration with a collective of 10 young designers and with the help of local students and craftsmen.
- Concept: This design project was about intercultural understanding, sharing skills, and learning from each other. It connected to sustainability on many levels and remind us that sustainability is a combination of environmental (Re-using and up-cycling were used as key concepts) cultural and economic factors that must be considered together.
2010 : Participation international design project “Sensory immersion”, Umaji, Japan.
- About: This project aimed to enhance the identity of Umaji (A small Japanese village located on Shikoku island) by using a range of products capturing the unique characteristics of the village and local environment. Project was developed over 3 months (including 2 weeks on site).
- Role: Design concept and realisation in collaboration with Japanese designer Takumi Shimamura.
2010 : Assistant designer for the Elsa Sulzbach design agency in Paris.
Role included:
- Communication design
- 3D digital modeling
- Model making
Dr Janice Rieger
University Lecturer and Unit Coordinator.
QUT (Queensland University of technology), Creative industry faculty, School of Design.
Phone: (07) 3138 7010
Dr Lorraine Marshalsey
Graphic Design Lecturer and Research, History & Theory Convenor.
Griffith University, Queensland College of Arts.
Phone: (07) 5552 820
Bruno Tainturier (International)
Co-director at Guliver Design Agency.
31, rue Chanzy
75012 Paris
Contact :