Repair Culture, Local knowledge, Designing in context

Fèz, Morocco.
Transforming a dilapidated classroom into a creative space dedicated to the local high school students was the objective of this challenging project held in Fez, Morocco.
After the research phase of the project, it took 12 days on site, 10 young designers and the help of local students and craftsmen to design the space and complete construction.
Step by step, we continued developing an understanding of the local culture and specific craft skills of the region. The incredible knowledge of local craftsmen and the motivation of the local students combined to our design experience led to great results.
To implement this service, a variety of factors needed to be taken into consideration. Different interfaces (postal based and internet) had to be created to suit different generations involved in the project.
Trust needed to be established between the participants. A diary was designed to not only set the terms of the contract but also to help the participants to plan and organise the timeframe, design of the garden as well as what would be planted, harvested and shared. The design of this diary is inspired by the act of sharing. One object becomes two as it unfolds.
Sponsored by local governments, the participants then receive a gardening kit. Different modules can be assembled to suit each space and needs while leaving room for creativity.